"Circus Olympus" A Mythical Comedy in Two Acts by Lindsay Price - Published by Theatrefolk Original Playscripts - will be performed at Greenville Middle School the weekend of January 27th & 28th, 2012 (www.theatrefolk.com)

*Stay tuned for more info!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Parent Packet Info

Parent Information for Circus Olympus
by Lindsay Price
Parent Participation

  1. Our online blog - http://circus-olympus-gcsms.blogspot.com/- is THE place to find all information regarding the show!  Rehearsal info, set/costume/prop and other info will be posted here.  Please check it regularly as I am aware that not everything said to the students in rehearsal gets home.  :o)
  2. Props: We have three students from the HS Drama Club acting as our Props Designers.  They will be in charge of ‘designing’ and finding/creating the props.  However we may need help in sourcing or creating some pieces.  Be sure to label anything you are lending, so we can return it to you after the last performance.  Props list will be posted on the blog.
  3. Costumes: We have hired a professional Costume Designer, Dakotah Horan.  She is in charge of designing and making sure all things needed for the production are found or made.  However, we still need parent help!  Any parent who is able and willing to lend their sewing skills will be greatly appreciated and utilized!  Dakotah will provide the fabric and patterns.  Please let me know who you are!
  4. Scenery: Fred Raskopf is designing our set, however, parents who can help build/make and paint scenery will be greatly appreciated.  Stage crew and cast members will also be asked to help paint on several designated days.
  5. Hair and Make-up: 4-5 parents are needed to help the students get into make-up/hair before the show each night.  There will be specific instructions on what is needed for each character, given by the Costume Designer, as well as how to properly apply it.
  6. Concession table: 2-3 parents are needed each night to sell concessions during intermission, as well as 2-3 parents who will monitor the doors so that food does not enter the auditorium after intermission.
  7. Ticket Sales: 1 parent is needed to be in charge of the binder, and another 2-3 parents to help sell tickets the night of the shows.
  8. Show T-Shirt’s: we need someone to design them and then one parent to be in charge of placing the order and picking them up – or having them delivered.
  9. Video of the show: We hope to have the HS Video Club recording the show, as we have in the past, and producing a DVD for those interested in purchasing it.  They will be $10.
  10. Strike & Cast Party: All cast members are required to help with strike – striking the set, following the final performance.  Parents willing to help, please let me know who you are.  Students will have some time to meet and greet after the show, then we will strike for half an hour or so, and then we will have our Cast Party.  For the Cast Party we need a committee of parents to help organize, chaperone, set up and clean up the party.
  11. Publicity: 2-3 people are needed to contact newspapers/TV/radio, and to put up posters. 
  12. Stage parents: 2-3 parents each night who will be in the Band Room with the kids who might need to be helped with a costume change, and to keep an eye on those who are not on stage.

Special Points of Interest
  • ~Rehearsals will run from 2:50pm - 4:10pm OR 2:50pm – 5pm Monday - Friday.
  • ~We will also run some Saturday rehearsals from 10 am – 1 pm.
  • ~All Friday / Saturday rehearsals, as well as any weekday that runs until 5 pm, require parent provided transportation.  
  • ~Tech Week – the week right before the production weekend – is mandatory for the entire cast!  
  • *January 23rd thru January 28th, 2012.  
  • Students participating in sports: we have worked out a rehearsal schedule that allows students involved in sports to attend their sporting practice and then rehearsal, by keeping rehearsals going until 5pm.  We have also implemented some Saturday rehearsals to compensate.  I have done, and will do, my best to schedule kids accordingly – later if they are in a sport, etc.  
*We may occasionally ask that they go to their sporting practice for half an hour and then come to us for half an hour to ensure all can ride the late bus home.
  • Our schedule is very time consuming - students failing 2 classes at any time will not be allowed to attend rehearsal / perform in the show.  Therefore, students should always stay for extra help if they need to, that way ineligibility does not become an issue. Please let Ms. Hall or Mrs. Raskopf know, and they will be excused from rehearsal. If we are running rehearsals past 4:15, students can come to rehearsal after extra help.  
  • Our attendance policy continues to be 3 unexcused absences from rehearsal and the student will not be allowed to perform.  You are the ONLY ONE with your role, and YOUR role is vital to our performance.  Therefore, you need to be at your rehearsals!
An excused absence is one that is accompanied by a note from the parent or guardian or is documented by a teacher or coach.
  • There will be an in-school call board of information for the play backstage in the theatre.  The weeks rehearsal schedule will also be posted right outside the MS Office every Monday.  However, don’t forget about our blog which can be accessed by all students and their parents by going to the following web address:

Ticket Sales:
  • We will be selling reserved seats for the show. These tickets are first come first serve, so if you want specific seats please get your order in quick. 
  • Student tickets are available for ages up to 18. Children who will sit on an adults lap are free and do not need a ticket.
  • If you want to buy extra tickets after your original purchase, you may not be able to get the tickets right next to the ones you purchased originally, we’ll do the best we can.
  • Please check the blog for the ticket sale start date.
***There are a few other things in the email, which I will attempt to get CORRECT emails from all tomorrow - and if yours is a household without email then I will get hard copies of everything to your child (which means you're probably not reading this, ha ha).

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