"Circus Olympus" A Mythical Comedy in Two Acts by Lindsay Price - Published by Theatrefolk Original Playscripts - will be performed at Greenville Middle School the weekend of January 27th & 28th, 2012 (www.theatrefolk.com)

*Stay tuned for more info!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Comments Enabled

Hi all...I found out that some parents have tried to comment on blog posts and were not able to, so I went back in and checked the settings, they are now fixed (as I thought they originally were) to allow anyone to comment.

If for some reason you still can not comment, feel free to email me at

I also heard from a few kiddos that having a rehearsal schedule that says the kids names on the days they are called would be greatly appreciated.


It appears that folks are still having trouble leaving comments.  I think what you need to do is type out your comment and then where it asks how you want to publish it select anonymous rather than what account you want to sign in with.  :o)  Hope that helps some.

1 comment:


    It appears that folks are still having trouble leaving comments. I think what you need to do is type out your comment and then where it asks how you want to publish it (below) select anonymous rather than what account you want to sign in with. :o) Hope that helps some.
