"Circus Olympus" A Mythical Comedy in Two Acts by Lindsay Price - Published by Theatrefolk Original Playscripts - will be performed at Greenville Middle School the weekend of January 27th & 28th, 2012 (www.theatrefolk.com)

*Stay tuned for more info!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Rehearsal Schedule Week #7

Hi all..HOLY MOLY we're a week and a half away from Production Weekend!!!

Tuesday 1/17/12 3pm-5pm - Work Act 1 - *EVERYONE* is called.
~Basketballers, if you can stay until 5pm then please come at 4pm.  If you need to get on the late bus please come at 3:30pm.

Wednesday 1/18/12 3pm-4:15pm - Run Act 1 - *EVERYONE* is called.
~Basketballers, I know this is a game day but I don't recall if it is home or away (I will check and update).  If it is home and you can come to us for a bit before the game please do.

Thursday 1/19/12 3pm - 4:15pm - Run Act 2 thru King Midas Myth - *EVERYONE* is called.
~Basketballers, please come at 3:30pm.

Friday 1/20/12 3pm - 5pm - Work Act 2 - *EVERYONE* is called.


Saturday 1/21/12 10am - 1pm - RUN THE SHOW *EVERYONE* is called.
10:15am - 12:00pm = Run the show.
12pm-1pm = Work/polish things.

SATURDAY WORK CALL 8am - 3pm TBD Exactly.

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