"Circus Olympus" A Mythical Comedy in Two Acts by Lindsay Price - Published by Theatrefolk Original Playscripts - will be performed at Greenville Middle School the weekend of January 27th & 28th, 2012 (www.theatrefolk.com)

*Stay tuned for more info!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Holiday Post

Hope you are all enjoying your holiday break, had a wonderful Christmas (and Chanukah etc...) and are gearing up to ring in the New Year in style!

Mask making in progress ... pruney gluey fingers and all!  :)

I will be making the next weeks rehearsal schedule in the next day or so and will post it on here!

Please let me know if any more business ad's have been sold, and/or in what areas you are able to help out.  We will begin having set/props/costume work "calls" (times when we'll be in the school working on those things) soon, and we will need all the help we can get!

(5 days left until you should be off book.)

See you soon!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas Eve!!!  :)
~Ms. Hall

ps...don't forget to work on line memorization!
(The whole script, not just the parts we've done in rehearsals so far.)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Parent Help List

I will update this list whenever applicable.  Thanks!  :)

Area of Help
Ticket Binder & Door Sales
Mrs. Statham
Ticket Door Help
Mrs. Dubois, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Mitchell
Concession Table / Door Monitor
Mrs. Mackey, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Evola, Mrs. McAneny (Friday night),
Mrs. Evola
Hair & Makeup 
Mrs. Evola, 
Cast Party
Mrs. Mackey, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Evola
T-Shirt Order
Mrs. Statham
Set Construction

Prop Construction / Sourcing
Mrs. McAneny
Costume Construction

Back Stage Parent

Who’s Bringing
Mrs. Mackey, 
Cookie Bars
Mrs. Spahmer
Mrs. Evola, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. Spahmer
Mrs. Dubois, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. Whittaker, Mrs. McAneny
Mrs. Whittaker
Individual Chip Bags
Mrs. McAneny

Business Ad List

Here's a list of the business ad's I've gotten info on.  Please let me know of the businesses you ask - I'll update as I get the info - so we don't all ask the same places!  :)

Thank you!!!

Asked by
Yes/No & Ad Size
Drama Kids International
Ms. Hall
Yes, 1/4 Page
2 Twisted Ladies
Van Aucken 
Yes, 1/4 Page
Doreen's Family Hair Care
R.D. Wright, Inc.
Cody Bryan
Yes, 1/2 Page
Capital Repertory Theatre
Ms. Hall
Le Petite Dance...
Ms. Hall
Ms. Hall
G'ville Laundromat
Ms. Hall
Gennaro's Bakery
Ms. Hall
G'ville Eye Care
Ms. Hall
Yes (I think.)
G'ville Dental
Ms. Hall
Coldwell Banker
Ms. Hall
Just A Buck 
Ms. Hall
Bank of Greene County
Ms. Hall

Anonymous Donor / Jared Spring / Yes, 1/2 Page
A.J. Cunningham Funeral Homes, Inc. / Cody Bryan / Yes, Full Page 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thursday's Rehearsal 12/22/11

Hi all,

Sorry I didn't get this up sooner ... I've been knee deep in mask making!

THURSDAY 12/22/11 Rehearsal - same as Wednesday!
*Everyone is called.  We will finish working through the first two myths and possibly run them as well.

Those who need to leave at 4:15 on the late bus please let Ms. Hall know.

Basketball folks - same as we've been doing.  If you can stay until 5 then come to us at 4; if you need to leave earlier than please split the time accordingly!

***and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be working on your lines!!!


Monday, December 19, 2011

Parent Student Contracts

Hi there,

I am still waiting on Parent Student Contracts from the following students:

Urja Bhatia
Bryan Drossel
Elizabeth Duker
Carley Estep
Julia Evola
Katie Herron
Lily McQuillin
Kayla Murphy
Jessica Scarlata
Stell Yelich

These contracts are important as they state the students commitment to our production.  They must be turned in this week, as any student who's contract is still not in after the holiday break will get an un-excused absence for each day that the form is still out, and these will be un-excused absences that can not be erased with a note.

If you need it to be printed out for you please let Ms. Hall know (margaret.e.hall@googlemail.com) and she can have a copy ready for your child to pick up in the MS Main Office on Tuesday or at Wednesday's rehearsal.  They may be turned in to the MS Main Office and placed in the MS Play Mailbox or brought to rehearsal.

Thank you!

Greek Chorus Masks

This is another picture I've found of some Greek Chorus Masks.

A Greek Theatre

The Skene is what we think of as the stage, the Parados would be what we have now as the stage right and stage left wings where entrances and exits happened, the Orchestra is where the Chorus Members would be, and the Theatron is where the audience sat.

Out behind the Skene would be a view of the natural world, like the photos on the right hand side of the blog that Ms. Hall put up.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Rehearsal Schedule Week #4

Tuesday 12/20/11 3-5pm - Demeter vs The Underworld Myth
Chenoa Cox, Alyssa Hopkins, Bryan Drossel, Paul Mitchell, Stella Yelich, Emily Lewis, Elaina Spahmer, Lily McQuillin, Katie Herron, Hannah Holznagel, Sean McAneny, Liam Williams
Wednesday 12/21/11 3-5pm - Act 1 Work
Everyone is called so we can work the whole cast into the first two myths.
Thursday 12/22/11 3-5pm - TBD
*Please make sure you check the rehearsal schedule on Tuesday morning as well, to see any new info for Thursday.
*Basketball Players - on Tuesday the 20th, I am trying to get the rest of this myth blocked, so the earliest you can get to rehearsal the better!  (Ms. Hall will be contacting the coaches - she finally has emails for them, yay - on Monday.)

*Please note that the rehearsals this week are all until 5pm because there are no rehearsals on Monday or Friday, or over the holiday break and we would LOVE it if you can stay until 5pm, on the day(s) you are called.  However, if you need to take the late bus or be picked up before 5pm just let Ms. Hall.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Thursday's Rehearsal is Cancelled


Sorry but due to my other job and a prior commitment of Mrs. Raskopf's we have to cancel tomorrow's rehearsal.  My mistake when making this weeks schedule.

We will make it up in one of next week's rehearsals ... so keep working on those lines!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Selling Business Ad's

Just a quick reminder / plea to all the family's to please try and sell at least 1 Business Ad for the program!?!  

The selling of these ad's is what keeps our budget nice and plump and allows us to create great sets, props and costumes.  It also allows us to do the t-shirts for the shows without having to charge the students.  Not to mention that it is from the budget that we purchase the rights for the scripts we use and the scripts themselves!

So please please please try to sell some ad's.  The ad form was in the original parent info email/packet, but I can email it out to anyone who needs it.  I can also give your kids a copy of form letter in rehearsal if that would be easier.

If you've asked somewhere already, or have a plan to do so, let me know and I will create a list so we don't all go and ask the same place(s).

Thank you in advance!!!   

Projection & Articulation

Cast Members should always practice their lines with crisp clear articulated words - making sure we hear the entire word!  And they should also be practicing their lines with projected voices as much as possible - remember your voice needs to travel to the back of the theatre and we DO NOT use microphones!

I know your'e all loud enough to get your voices from the Stage to the Back Wall of the Auditorium, I hear you when you're not on stage!  He he he!!!  :)

Here are a few tongue twisters to help with articulation:
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Irish Wrist Watch

Unique New York

I had a Hippopotamus
I kept him in a shed
I fed him up on vitamins (vit-ah-mins)
And vegetable bread (veg-ah-tah-ble)
Lest he should be affected by depression or the dumps
By Hippopotomeasles or Hippopotomumps!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Rehearsal Schedule Week #3


Tuesday 12/13/11 3-4:15pm -> King Midas - blocking.
Daniel Mackey, Charlotte Hutchins, Elise Dubois, Victoria Wilson, Mike Rath, Will Connolly, Liam Williams, Elizabeth Duker
*Basketball - Elizabeth if you can come to us for the first half and basketball for the second half this time that would be great.
Wednesday 12/14/11 3-4:15pm - Slam Jam - myth discussion and line work.
Jared Spring, Isabelle Caffero, Carley Estep, Mark Whittaker, Cody Bryan, Will Connolly, Kayla Murphy, Paul Mitchell, Emily Lewis, Bryan Drossel
*Basketball - Bryan please come for the second half of rehearsal.
Thursday 12/15/11 3-4:15pm - Athena & Arachne - myth discussion & line work.
Urja Bhatia, Brie Statham, Joanie McAneny, John Dubois, Stella Yelich, Maddison Ackerman, Jessica Scarlata, Lacie Hotaling, Natalie Louban, Evelina Welch
*Basketball - Stella you decide which you think is more important for you, coming for the first half and doing the myth discussion, or for the second half and doing line work.
Friday 12/16/11 3-5pm - Perseus & Medusa - blocking
Urja Bhatia, Brie Statham, Joanie McAneny, Sean McAneny, Cody Bryan, Kennedy Foster, Annonda Sanders, Jared Spring, Julia  Evola, Elaina Spahmer, Chenoa Cox
*Basketball - Elaina & Chenoa - if you have practice please come at 4pm.

~Ms. Hall

Already done:
Monday 12/12/11
3-4pm -> King Midas Myth - myth discussion and beginning blocking.
Daniel Mackey, Charlotte Hutchins, Elise Dubois, Victoria Wilson, Mike Rath, Will Connolly, Liam Williams, Elizabeth Duker 

4-5pm -> Demeter vs Underworld Myth - blocking.
Paul Mitchell, Bryan Drossel, Chenoa Cox, Alyssa Hopkins, Lily McQuillin, Hannah Holznagel, Katie Herron, Sean McAneny, Stella Yelich, Emily Lewis, Elaina Spahmer, Liam Williams

*I would like to fully block this myth so if you view the blog over the weekend and CAN'T do this time frame, please comment or email Ms. Hall, thanks.

**Basketball gals and guys please come after your tryouts/practice, at 4pm - except, Elizabeth - can you go to basketball for the first half and come to us the second half, getting on the late bus at 4:15pm?!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Comments Enabled

Hi all...I found out that some parents have tried to comment on blog posts and were not able to, so I went back in and checked the settings, they are now fixed (as I thought they originally were) to allow anyone to comment.

If for some reason you still can not comment, feel free to email me at

I also heard from a few kiddos that having a rehearsal schedule that says the kids names on the days they are called would be greatly appreciated.


It appears that folks are still having trouble leaving comments.  I think what you need to do is type out your comment and then where it asks how you want to publish it select anonymous rather than what account you want to sign in with.  :o)  Hope that helps some.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Greek Food Extravaganza!

I am going to have a rehearsal on Saturday the 7th of January, I am sure it will be combined with a work call (to work on sets, props, costumes) and will give us an opportunity to have a Greek Food Extravaganza!

I'd like to let the kids try some traditional Greek Food to further submerge them into the world we are working in, and give them a little treat for all the work they are doing.

Just wanted to put this out there now so that everyone has plenty of time to "keep that date saved for rehearsal".  :o)  January 7th - Saturday Rehearsal; Time TBD

*I was also very fortunate to visit Athens myself, having made some wonderful native Greek friends while I was living and studying in London.  I will bring some pictures of my adventure for the kids to see - things like the ruins of The Acropolis, the ancient Theatre of Epidaurus, the Temple of Poseidon among other things.

~If anyone makes anything Greek and would like to do so for this occasion let me know!  Don't worry though, Mrs. Raskopf and I will take care of it.

I plan on cooking Tsoureki (which is a Greek Easter Bread), Tzatziki (a cucumber yogurt dip), Spanikopita (Spinach & Feta Pastry) & Moussaka (it's sort of an Eggplant lasagna Greek style), as well as providing Dolmades (Stuffed Grape Leaves) and Pomegranates - which I know can be purchased ... other things TBD.

Here's hoping I can get all that done.  Ha ha!  :)

~Ms. Hall

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Friday's Rehearsal

Hello All, 
Here is Friday's rehearsal call information.

Friday Dec. 9th from 3-5pm (There is no late bus on Friday.)
Everyone is called.

Please let Ms. Hall know if you have a sport tryout (and please come at 4pm if you do, and can stay until 5).  

*We will go over the intro and create the exact tableaus that we will be using.  And I would also like to do a sort of movement workshop with this rehearsal - which is why everyone is being called.  As we will be using masks and a lot of tableaus in this production a day spent on "making pictures" with nothing but our bodies, and how to move when in mask, is a good use of a rehearsal day.

If you can't make it - or have to leave before 5pm - please let Ms. Hall know.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Line Memorization!!!

Line memorization is VERY important, and with this years - very movement oriented - production the sooner you know them the more we can do in rehearsals.  It is also your responsibility, the actors job to memorize their lines.  Remember it will be you out on that stage, not Ms. Hall!  :o)

Last year we had some trouble with a few scenes where lines were concerned, and this caused us to concentrate only on the learning of lines during rehearsals, resulting in little to know blocking - in other words, a rather boring scene.

SO, I am attempting to sort this out in advance this year with an OFF BOOK DATE of January 2nd, 2012!

When we come back from Christmas Break the use of scripts on stage will no longer be allowed - you should however, still bring your scripts with you to every rehearsal.

Now, I know that sounds "soon" and "scary" ... but really, once we come back from the Holidays we will have 3 short weeks of rehearsals before our Technical Rehearsals - and everything needs to be "ready" by our first Technical Rehearsal.  (The tech rehearsals are to implement lighting, all sets/props/costumes, and to polish the show.)

I know this is entirely doable!!!

So, students, please make sure that you are setting aside at least 10 - 15 minutes EVERY day to work on your lines!!!  *Making sure to keep it up over the Holiday Break!

*Different things work for different people, here are some things actors do in order to get their lines in their minds!

1. Write out your scene (s).  The act of reading your lines and then writing the words down helps to lock them in.
2. Highlight your lines, then when you are working on them your lines pop!
3. Have your Mom/Dad/Brother/Sister/Grandparent/Pet Monkey read the other characters while you do only your lines.
4. Work in small sections.  Once you have four or five lines ingrained in your brain, add four or five more, etc...
5. Go over your lines - one more time - right before you go to bed.  The last thing you read ... stays with you all night!  ;o)  Or so they say.
6. If you have a Study Hall and no Homework to do ... take out your script and work on those lines!!!
7. Once your scene(s) have been blocked, do the movement with the lines.  Physical positioning can help one to remember what they are saying.
8. Make sense of the lines around yours - the lines before and after will make sense with what your character is saying!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Rehearsal Schedule Week #2

There is no rehearsal on Monday or Wednesday this week.

Tuesday Dec. 6th from 3-5pm
3-4pm Everyone is called.  4-5pm Demeter VS The Underworld Characters

Thursday Dec. 8th from 3-4:15pm
Perseus And Medusa Characters & Ishy

Friday Dec. 9th from 3-5pm
Everyone is called.

*I would like to do a sort of movement workshop with this rehearsal - which is why everyone is being called.  As we will be using masks and a lot of tableaus in this production a day spent on "making pictures" with nothing but our bodies, and how to move when in mask, is a good use of a rehearsal day.

***If you are in a SPORT try out this week please let Ms. Hall know.  And if you have made the team Ms. Hall NEEDS to know so a shared rehearsal/practice arrangement can be made.
Also, please remember it is not your friends responsibility to let us know if you can't make it - or will be late - to a rehearsal, so please don't send word with anyone other than yourself.  You need to let Ms. Hall/Mrs. Raskopf know.

QUESTION: would it be "easier" if I wrote out the students names, rather than myths and character names?  I recall doing that last year...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Research/Background Links

Greek Masks ... here's a link

Dionysys was the God of Drama (or the God of Theatre) among other things.  Here's a link if you'd like to read more...

The River Acheron (and how the River Styx came from it) - here's a link to read/learn more!

Here's a link to a good explanation of what a Traditional Greek Chorus was, and how it evolved.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Team Work!!!

Today in rehearsal we talked about Team Work!  :o)

I just want to take a minute to reiterate that there are NO SMALL PARTS IN THIS PLAY (or in any play for that matter) - despite the number of lines you have, you are vital to this production!

We are a team!  

Our team includes all of the actors - the largest number of students we have ever cast.  It also includes the director, assistant director, stage manager, lighting designer, set designer, props designers, costume designer, parent help, and all the other areas that go into making a production happen ... it's all about team work, working together to make one awesome show!!!

Furthermore, the concept for this show is that our students are playing a troupe of actors who go out and perform these myths all over, and in each new place that they are performing they take turns doing the different roles, like how Manso's name gets pulled out of the hat to play Zeus.  The idea is that if they were to move onto another town, someone else's name would likely come out of the hat as Zeus, etc....  (I hope that makes sense.)

We also talked about "The Actors Job" - becoming a character, memorizing your lines, writing down your blocking during rehearsal so you remember it when practicing at home, and HAVING FUN!!!

*I've also encouraged the kids to do "background research" - actors homework if you will - in the form of looking on the internet, or in a book of Greek Myths etc., and reading an actual written version of the myths in the play.  It could help with their understanding of their characters, among other things.  :o)

I want everyone to have fun!

It is a play ... so play!!!

~Ms. Hall

Character Breakdown

5 Greek Chorus Characters
Liam Williams
Kaitlyn Krasney
Paul Mitchell
Elizabeth Duker
Charlotte Hutchins

Myth 1 Characters
Chenoa Cox
Alyssa Hopkins
Bryan Drossel
Paul Mitchell
Stella Yellich
Emily Lewis
Elaina Spahmer 
Lily Ann McQuillin
Echo 1
Katie Herron
Echo 2
Hannah Holznagel
Sean McAneny

Myth 2 Characters
Urja Bhatia 
Snake 1
Brie Statham
Snake 2
Joanie McAneny
Sean McAneny
King Polydectes
Cody Bryan
Kennedy Foster
Annonda Sanders
Jared Spring
Julia Evola
Elaina Spahmer
Chenoa Cox

Mythapalooza Slam Jam Characters
Orpheus (A) & Eurydice (B)
Jared Spring (A) & Isabelle Caffero (B)
Daphne (B) & Apollo (A)
Carley Estep (B) & Mark Whittaker (A)
Daedalus (A) & Icarus (B)
Cody Bryan (A) & Will Connolly (B)
Atalanta (B) & Hippomenes (A)
Kayla Murphy (B) & Mark Whittaker (A)
Zeus (A) & Io (B)
Paul Mitchell (A) & Emily Lewis (B)
Heracles (A) & ? (B)
Bryan Drossel (A) & ? (B)

Myth 3 Characters
Urja Bhatia
Townsperson 1
Brie Statham
Townsperson 2
Joanie McAneny
Townsperson 3
John Dubois
Stelly Yellich
Maddison Ackerman
Jessica Scarlata
Lacie Hotaling
Natalie Louban
Evelina Welch

Myth 4 Characters
King Midas
Daniel Mackey
Elise Dubois
Guard 1
Victoria Wilson
Guard 2
Will Connolly
Mike Rath
Charlotte Hutchins

Myth 5 Characters
Sean McAneny
Bryan Drossel
Paul Mitchell
Alyssa Hopkins
Ill’s of the world...
Lily Ann McQuillin

***Don't forget that this is a Troupe of Actors who are performing these myths, and that everyone will be on stage most of the play ... and that "extras" in each myth will be added after we've blocked the main action!!!  :o)