"Circus Olympus" A Mythical Comedy in Two Acts by Lindsay Price - Published by Theatrefolk Original Playscripts - will be performed at Greenville Middle School the weekend of January 27th & 28th, 2012 (www.theatrefolk.com)

*Stay tuned for more info!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pre-Audition Info!

Are you a Greek Mythology fan? 

Are you interested in masks?
Are you a dancer, or simply like to dance?
Are you musician - can you sing or play an instrument?
Are you a “Percy Jackson” fan?

If you answered yes to any, or all of the above, then it’s your lucky day ... today we are announcing that this year's Middle School Play is a series of Greek Myths called “Circus Olympus”, and we are in need of creative people of all sorts to make this show happen!

You do not need to be a dancer, a musician, or a Greek Mythology fan to audition.

You do need to be interested in learning and trying new things, creating a unique piece of theatre, and being a part of a team - theatre is all about team work!

Our production this year will be different from the past two years' shows.

Our production will use an adapted version of a traditional Greek Chorus.

We will also need a wide variety of Greek Mythological Characters, such as, Zeus, Athena, Aphrodite, Hera, Dionysus, Hades, Demeter, Persephone, King Midas, Hercules, Perseus, Medusa, Arachne and many more!

We will be using Masks, and the show will have a lot of physical movement within it (so if you like to dance please come on down and audition).

We will also, hopefully, be using some instrumental music within the production - drum beats specifically - so if you play an instrument and are auditioning, be sure to let Miss Hall know.

Our production this year will also use a very minimalistic set, very unlike our last two shows.

So if you are interested in learning more, and auditioning for the show, please sign up in the main office.

Production Weekend: January 27th & 28th, 2012

*You need to be sure you can attend all rehearsals the week prior to the show, no exceptions!

Audition Dates: Tuesday November 15th at 3pm

Two Greek Chorus Masks:

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