"Circus Olympus" A Mythical Comedy in Two Acts by Lindsay Price - Published by Theatrefolk Original Playscripts - will be performed at Greenville Middle School the weekend of January 27th & 28th, 2012 (www.theatrefolk.com)

*Stay tuned for more info!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Good Stuff!

Just wanted to put a quick note out there to say that the kiddos are doing great in rehearsals!  The first act is entirely blocked and we're close to the same in act two!  :)  This afternoon's rehearsal was really good ... Mrs. Raskopf even commented on how much work we got done today!  Oh yeah!!!

Also...thanks for the Business Ad's that are coming in!

Cast Members ... keep working on those lines (and going over your blocking when you do)!  Oh and your projection/articulation - nice loud lines with crisp clean words.

Here are a few of the tongue twisters I've done recently -

If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?

Unique New York

Irish Wrist Watch

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, a peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked!

I had a hippopotamus,
I kept him in a shed,
I fed him up on vitamins and vegetable bread
Lest he should be affected by depression or the dumps
By hippopotameasles or hippopotamumps!

Keep up the good work!  :)

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